For this ritual, you will need a white candle, a black candle, a small jar, some salt, and some pepper. You may also want to make your balance incense before beginning the ritual. There recipe for it can be found here. If you simply wish to watch the ritual, you can find that at the bottom of this post.
Cast the Circle
Cast the circle in whatever fashion you use.
Calling in the Elements
Calling East:
Spirits of the East, spirits of air,
Awaken us with the Spring breeze
Fill our lungs, and join us
In celebration of the endless renewal of light and life. (light yellow candle)
Calling South:
Spirits of the South, spirits of fire,
Warm us with the rising sun
Quicken our hearts, and join us
In celebration of the unfolding of the Earth. (light red candle)
Calling West:
Spirits of the West, spirits of water,
Wash us in gentle rain
Revive our longing, and join us
In celebration of boundless possibility. (light blue candle)
Calling North:
Spirits of the North, spirits of earth,
Clothe us in the finery of new growth
Support our steps, and join us
In celebration of a world made green again. (light green candle)
Calling the Goddess:
Goddess of Earth, mother of all
With love we greet you
As night and day once again
Greet each other in passing.
Be with us, complete our circle,
And help us always to see your face
In all that lives. (light pink candle)
Calling the God:
God of the growing light
With love we greet you
As night and day once again
Greet each other in passing.
Be with us, complete our circle
And help us always to see your face
In all that lives. (light purple candle)
The circle is cast, the ritual begun.
May the powers of the Ancient One,
Source of all creation,
May the powers of the Goddess, bright lady of the moon,
And the God, horned hunter of the sun,
May the powers of the guardian spirits,
Rulers of the elemental realms,
May the powers of the stars above and the Earth below,
Bless this time, this place, and all who gather here.
Blessed be!
Spell to restore balance to your life.
Light the black candle and say:
Sometimes life gets chaotic.
We celebrate to make it right-
To strike a balance on the equinox
Of equal day and equal night.
Light the white candle and say:
Sometimes life gets chaotic.
We celebrate to make it right-
To strike a balance on the equinox
Of equal day and equal night.
As we light these candles,
We begin to re-center.
Restoring balance
Welcoming in earth’s splendor.
Take some incense and sprinkle it on top of the charcoal tablets.
Return balance to our lives,
Using the harmony of equal day and equal night
To tune our lives.
Aligning our intentions and actions
So we may thrive.
Balance Spell Jar
What you will need:
A jar or container with a lid
Black pepper
Black and White Candles
How to make it:
Charge your salt with positivity and happiness
Charge your pepper with negativity and sadness
Mix them and put them in your jar
Seal the jar with wax from the two candles
Once this is complete, say:
With the magick done here today
We continue the cycle
To stabilize our lives
For time eternal.
As we align forces,
within and without
To equalize
and balance out
As the chaos dies.
We release this magick into the air
So mote it be
Into the Goddess’s care.
Releasing the Elements
Releasing the God:
God of the growing light
For the Spring
For your warmth
For your power
For the lengthening day
For the energy that surrounds us
For your presence within our circle
We thank you, and ask your blessing,
Until we gather here again.
Releasing the Goddess:
Goddess of Earth, mother of all
For the Spring
For your love
For your power
For the pomegranate
For the fertility of the world we share
For your presence within our circle
We thank you, and ask your blessing,
Until we gather here again.
Releasing North:
Spirits of the North
We thank you for your presence here
And ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever (extinguish your candles as you go).
Releasing West:
Spirits of the West
We thank you for your presence here
And ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever (extinguish your candles as you go).
Releasing South:
Spirits of the South
We thank you for your presence here
And ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever (extinguish your candles as you go).
Releasing East:
Spirits of the East
We thank you for your presence here
And ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever (extinguish your candles as you go).
The circle is open, and yet unbroken.
May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part,
And merry meet again.
Ostara: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Spring Equinox, Llewellyn Publications, 2015